Governance of GAALO involves leadership, strategic planning, and vision, whereas management of GAALO focuses on the day-to-day operations. Managing Director being the head of the organization provides leadership and supervision to permanent sections including Finance and Administration, Human Resource, Monitoring and Evaluation and Program development. All the sections have experienced and qualified managers with their supporting officers.
Due to the different nature of the program across the provinces, GAALO has its Head Office staff of sector specialists that offer advisory services, technical guidelines and project/programs implementation procedures to the implementing staff in program districts.
Program Development section is of paramount importance. This section which is also known as Project Management Body (PMB) has a multiple role i.e. planning and designing of projects and programs, close coordination with M&E section to develop M&E mechanism for each project, supporting Finance department in financial proposals, providing inputs to the Media & PR for devising media plan and supporting HR section to develop job description and training of the hired staff for the project. This provides a team effort which not only creates harmony in understanding any working project but also sense of ownership and loyalty towards the broader objectives of the overall organization.
All the sections of GAALO has the principle function to provide policy inputs to the senior management in monthly review meetings that can be helpful in devising long-term strategies for achieving mission of the organization and broadly community empowerment for sustainable development.

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