Contact Us

Hi There,
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Main Office Add:

House # 85 Street #5 Khushal Khan Meena Area A-District # 5

Regional Offices:

Nangarhar office: Mukhabrat Chawak, Usman Plaza, 3rd Floor, 6 Unit
Kandahar Office: House #85, Street #2, Stadium Street, 2 District; Near to Mamon Tahiri Health Center, Kandahar-Afghanistan
Mazar Office: Shari Naw; Opposite to Municipality; House#3, Street #1
Herat Office: House #7, Street #3, Mukhabirat; Herat City; Afghanistan
E-mail Address: |

Contact Person(s):
Name: Ghulam Sarwar Zohair
Designation: Director
Contact No: Phone: +93(0)784880888 |+93(0)785181716
Office Number: 0202562901